Read how we’ve helped get small business off the ground and launched into successful ventures with our collection of case studies below.
Gaynor was born and grew up in the Rhondda Valley of South Wales. She was the youngest of four children – two much older siblings and a brother closer to her in age. She was a real “Daddy’s girl” as a child and was devastated when he died when she was only 10. She says […]
Nettie started her business a year ago from scratch. She had had a series of low paid and insecure jobs which had left her struggling financially and in debt. She decided she wanted to create something for herself which she could build to create more stability for her and her family. The business started well […]
Jordan started her career as a Zumba and later a fitness instructor and when we met her, she had already been running her business for 5 years. RiKaSysTemZ is a fitness and nutrition business, but it is also about encouraging emotional and psychological well-being through offering friendly, non-threatening sessions, and providing advice and help with […]
Melissa James was an experienced and successful Estate Agent’s Business Developer and Valuer until the COVID shutdowns came and she was made redundant in 2020. Around that time she also lost her Father and the costs involved quickly used any remaining savings she had. With a long contact list and well-developed skills the time was […]
Louise originally trained as a teacher and then did a master’s degree in play therapy. She worked for a charity to start with, in a role that wasn’t specifically for a therapist, and volunteered in a few roles within her field and then launched her own business, Voyage Play Therapy. The business offers children’s counselling […]
After a period of her childrens’ illnesses, spouse job losses and her own ill-health, which had left the whole family at a very low point financially, Jane wanted to start again and rebuild her career and her family’s circumstances. She had previously worked in dementia care and seen examples of poor uninformed practice, but also […]
Amanda Wood came to Purple Shoots to ask for support when she decided to change direction with her career and lifestyle. Up until Lockdown in 2020, Amanda was living in Plymouth and was working as a programme manager at a College leading and delivering a project which supported local creative business and artists in collaborative […]
Sparkle Pro Caravan Cleaning An unlikely success story: a business that sprung up in the leisure industry, in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic. When COVID-19 first hit, Ian was one of the first casualties of the economic slump. Just two months into a new job, he was laid off without furlough and left wondering […]
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Registered Company No. 08603690
Registered Charity No. 1155385
Registered Address: 2 Church Street, Pontypridd, CF37 2TH
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, number 720894
ICO Number: ZA018973