Do you enjoy helping others? Or maybe looking to gain some work experience? We have some upcoming volunteering opportunities at our lovely shop in Pontypridd.
23rd – 25th May 2023 Stockroom Clear Out & Organisation:
As we’ve been having more stock coming to our shop we need to clear some space for more wonderful things to sell. This task requires some moving and organising stock, clearing out things we no longer need and some cleaning to get our stockroom in top condition.

13th – 15th June 2023 Photographing Inventory:

Are you an enthusiast for photography? Want to gain more experience in this field? We have an opportunity where we need to photograph our inventory for our eBay shop. This task requires a good eye for a picture and experience transferring image files.
20th – 24th June 2023 Craft Testing
As you know the summer holidays are not far away and we’d love a group of crafty individuals to join us in finding and testing different crafts, and research fun mini workshops to host. Whether it’s for adults or kids, why not come down to share your ideas?

To learn more about our volunteering opportunities please contact Megan on 07974309979 or email [email protected]