Purple Shoots 2024 Impact Report

Welcome to the Purple Shoots 2024 Impact Report, where we showcase the incredible work we’ve accomplished over the past year with the support of our donors, funders, and community. At Purple Shoots, we are driven by our mission to empower individuals and communities, providing microfinance and support to those excluded from traditional financial services. Our 2024 Impact Report highlights the transformative effects of our programs, showing how we’ve helped individuals turn their dreams into reality, fostered economic growth, and built stronger, more resilient communities.

Key Figures from 2024

  • 69 loans provided totalling £289,085 in value, helping those who were unable to access traditional finance.
  • 104 jobs created, including self-employment opportunities.
  • 72.2% of borrowers previously on benefits, contributing to a total savings of £471,968.30 in benefits payments.
  • £1,193,095.80 total net gain to His Majesty’s Treasury, with an estimated £4.06 gain per £1 invested.
  • 38 Self-Reliant Groups (SRGs) with 181 members, supporting personal development, economic opportunities, and community cohesion.

Highlights from the Report

  • Transforming Lives: 
    Our loan programs have empowered individuals like Ada, whose culinary dream is now thriving in Sheffield, and Shannon, who is launching her pet accessory business after receiving vital funding.
  • Boosting the Economy: 
    By supporting small businesses and creating jobs, we have contributed to both local and national economies. For every £1 invested, the local economy has benefited by £19.73.
  • Building Stronger Communities: 
    Our Self-Reliant Groups (SRGs) have provided a space for personal growth, social connection, and new business ventures, all while enhancing mental and physical well-being.

View the Full Impact Report

Want to dive deeper into the work we’ve done this year? Read the full report and explore the stories of individuals and communities who have been impacted by our programs. Click the button below to view the 2024 impact Report.