It is Purple Shoots’ 10th anniversary this year and we are celebrating! Watch the video for a snapshot of what we have achieved in those 10 years.
Save the date.
Our main event is on Friday 20th October 2023

If you would like to be a sponsor or to donate to support the event, please message Owain or Karen ([email protected] or [email protected]) The evening will showcase some of the people we have supported over the last 10 years – and others will be providing flowers, drinks, table decorations, cakes and other goodies. Children are welcome (so no one is left out) – there is even a soft playroom at the venue we have chosen and a magician will be mingling and amazing you with tricks. Come and meet the team and many of the people we have supported – formal invitations will be out soon.
Keep an eye on this page for updates and more events over the next 12 months!