This is how Crystal explains it:

A year ago, I couldn’t afford Christmas. I was struggling to get by on UK welfare. It’s not much. I could make it, but just barely. I scrimped for a few Christmas presents, but that meant going without some things for me.

Now, this year, I am working part time and have my own small business too. I’m not rich by any means, but at least I can smile at Christmas when it comes. I can afford to buy Christmas gifts ahead of time. And looking forward to it when it comes.

How did I get here? 
In part, to the generosity of the Purple Shoots People, Monmouthshire Housing Association and Business Wales, who helped me to plan a small business and funded it to make it a reality. Thankful. And now, if you know of anyone who is in poverty or just at the line, let them know there’s a way out.

And if you ever wonder why micro-businesses are so powerful, it’s because of this: they can change communities and families’ destinies by lifting them out of poverty.